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The Talk Show About Business In The Metaverse


BizzTech is elated to start our new BizzTalk series discussing the Metaverse and how it will impact the business landscape – and we are doing it all from the new virtual studio in our Metaverse platform.


Oct 03, 2023

Relaciones públicas en el Business Metaverse

Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de 🎙️#BizzTalk en Español!

En esta ocasión, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo del #Metaverso para hablar sobre relaciones públicas y cómo potenciarlas al máximo 🚀.

Tenemos el honor de contar con dos grandes expertas: Andrea Lievano Macias (Fundadora de PRPARATODOS) y @Diana López (Profesional en Mercadeo y Publicidad)🌟. Juntas, exploramos el futuro de los negocios y revelamos cómo una empresa de relaciones públicas puede brillar en el Metaverso 🌌.

¡No te lo pierdas! Y recuerda, nos encantaría conocer tu opinión, así que no dudes en dejar tus comentarios abajo ⬇️. ¡Hasta el próximo BizzTalk! ✨

Hosts: Francisco Fuenzalida y Rosi Vieira


Sept 05, 2023

Photorealism in the Metaverse for Business

Photorealism on Unreal 5

Bad Decisions Studio was founded by two brothers who dropped everything to start their own creative studio in Vancouver: Faraz Shababi and Farhad Shababi 

Bad Decisions Studio on YouTube

Sept 19, 2023

OOH in the Business Metaverse

In this BizzTalk episode, we dive into how Out of Home (OOH) Marketing fits in the Metaverse for business. Our guest, Tim Rowe, is the host of the popular OOH marketing podcast OOH Insider and the founder of the first free, public-access directory for marketing in the real world – AdScout Advisors. Tim is truly an expert when it comes to OOH, and we had a blast exploring the possibilities and talking about the future of OOH and the Metaverse!

Aug 17, 2022

Einstieg ins Metaverse

Einstieg Metaverse – mit Jasper BörnsensBizzTech freut sich auf die 1. deutschsprachige Ausgabe unserer neuen BizzTalk-Serie über das Metaverse und

Aug 18, 2022

Fashion in the Metaverse

Einstieg Metaverse – mit Jasper BörnsensBizzTech freut sich auf die 1. deutschsprachige Ausgabe unserer neuen BizzTalk-Serie über das Metaverse und

Aug 18, 2022

How the Gaming Industry Is Entering the Metaverse

How the Gaming Industry Is Entering the Metaverse – with Matthew MorrisLET’S TALK ABOUT IT – And let’s talk about it IN the MetaverseBizzTech is

Aug 18, 2022

Metaverse – Hype or Flop?

The #Metaverse is already Dead before it even started!Or is it the biggest opportunity since the launch of the World Wide Web?LET’S TALK ABOUT IT –



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